
domonic can help create a sitemap or sitemapindex for your website.

A sitemap contains a list of urls for your website. Whereas a sitemap index contains a list of sitemaps.

You can see below How to make sitemaps with python and domonic.

creating a sitemapindex

A sitemap index contains a list of sitemaps. A minimal one might look something like this:

'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
<sitemapindex xmlns="">

With domonic we can create one in a number ways depending on our needs.

from domonic.xml.sitemap import sitemapindex, sitemap, url, loc, lastmod, changefreq, priority

doc = sitemapindex(
                lastmod('2021-07-08T13:12:16+00:00')  # pass a date as string. if no data is passed the current date is used

render(f"{doc}", 'sitemap.xml')

Create a sitemap

A sitemap contains a list of urls for your website and is limited to 50,000 urls.

A minimal one might look something like this:

'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
<urlset xmlns="">

With domonic we can create one in a number ways depending on our needs.

from domonic.xml.sitemap import sitemapindex, sitemap, url, loc, lastmod, changefreq, priority

doc = urlset(
                lastmod('2021-07-08T13:12:16+00:00')  # pass a date as string. if no data is passed the current date is used

# use f-string to call format on the doc to prettify
render(f"{doc}", 'sitemap1.xml')


domonic also has some utils for quickly creating sitemaps with default values.

mypages = []
sm = sitemap_from_urls(mypages)

but you will likely want a little more control. So use any dom manipulating methods you like.

Here’s some more examples.

## creating a sitemap from scratch

sm = urlset()
sm += url(loc(''), lastmod('2020-07-08T13:12:16+00:00'))



You can format with following normal python methods which are regonised by domonic:

print(f"{sm}") # f string will call __format__ and run through a prettify
print(f"{sm!s}") # str will not be prettified
print(f"{sm!r}") # r show the ojbect as a repr
# print(f"{sm!a}")


For more infor on sitemaps see…


generate or load sitemaps

warning - when using image and video tags from this package they will be namespaced i.e <image:image> and <video:video> so i’d advise to only import them within the def that you use them in to avoid conflict with html.image

class domonic.xml.sitemap.changefreq(*args, **kwargs)
class domonic.xml.sitemap.lastmod(*args, **kwargs)
class domonic.xml.sitemap.loc(*args, **kwargs)
class domonic.xml.sitemap.priority(*args, **kwargs)
class domonic.xml.sitemap.sitemap(*args, **kwargs)
domonic.xml.sitemap.sitemap_format(self, *args, **kwargs)[source]

attempts to prettify the output of the sitemap.


Create a sitemap from a list of urls.add()

Note: This won’t allow you to add priority or changefreq of the urls. or add images etc tho u could loop the nodes afterwards and do that.

WARNING: there’s a difference between a sitemap index and a sitemap. make sure you know what you want.

class domonic.xml.sitemap.sitemapindex(*args, **kwargs)

Create a sitemap index from a list of urls.

WARNING: there’s a difference between a sitemap index and a sitemap. make sure you know what you want.

# i.e

# <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> # <sitemapindex xmlns=””> # <sitemap> # <loc></loc> # <lastmod>2021-07-08T13:12:16+00:00</lastmod> # </sitemap> # </sitemapindex>

class domonic.xml.sitemap.url(*args, **kwargs)
class domonic.xml.sitemap.urlset(*args, **kwargs)