
The DOM is gradually evolving…

To use the DOM either reference your root ‘html’ node or import the dom modules global ‘document’

# access the document via the html tag
mydom = html()
# mydom.getElementbyID...

# or by importing the document global
from domonic.dom import document
# document.createElement...

The last ‘html()’ created will always be the ‘document’. You can set it manually but it needs to be a Document instance. Before a ‘html’ class is created it is just an empty document so that static methods can be available.

Remember python globals are only to that module (unlike other langs). so you will have to import document explicitly when you need it (per method call after setting it). i.e

d = html(body("Hello"))
print(document)  # no change
print('body1', d.doctype)
print('body2', domonic.dom.document.doctype)
print('body3', document.doctype)
from domonic.dom import document  # re-import to get the updated document
print('body4', document.doctype)

notice how before it was imported it was still just a class not an instance.

So in most cases just use your own root node and not document as it will be the only one that will be updated unless you import after any html node creation. The global is for when you need to access the document from a different module(file)


Here’s an exmaple of creating your own elements using the DOM API

from domonic.dom import *
from domonic.dom import document

site = html()
el = document.createElement('myelement')


querySelectorAll and querySelector are useful for finding elements in the DOM.


somelinks = mysite.querySelectorAll("a[href*='twitter']")
for l in somelinks:

To use the DOM either reference your root ‘html’ node or import the dom modules global ‘document’

# access the document via the html tag
mydom = html()
# mydom.getElementbyID...

# or by importing the document global
from domonic.dom import document
# document.createElement...

The last ‘html()’ you created will always be the ‘document’. You can also set it manually but it needs to ne a Document instance. Before a ‘html’ class is created there is an empty document so that static methods can be available.

a note on globals Remember python globals are only to that module (unlike other langs). So you will have to import document explicitly when you need it (per method call)

See the examples folder for other uses of a python virtual DOM.


DOMConfig is for setting some render options on the dom.

i.e. here’s we set all the current flags to be opposite their default…

from domonic.html import *
from domonic.dom import DOMConfig
print(html(head(),body(div(h1('heading'),div(button('hi & hack',_get='/get_hi'))))))
# <html><head></head><body><div><h1>heading</h1><div><button data-hx-get="/get_hi">hi & hack</button></div></div></body></html>

The full list of available DOM methods are listed below…


The DOM represents a document with a logical tree.

class domonic.dom.Attr(name: str, value='', *args, **kwargs)[source]
getNamedItem(name: str)[source]

Returns a specified attribute node from a NamedNodeMap

removeNamedItem(name: str) bool[source]

Removes a specified attribute node

setNamedItem(name: str, value) bool[source]

Sets the specified attribute node (by name)

class domonic.dom.CDATASection(data)[source]
class domonic.dom.CharacterData(*args, **kwargs)[source]

The CharacterData abstract interface represents a Node object that contains characters. This is an abstract interface, meaning there aren’t any objects of type CharacterData: it is implemented by other interfaces like Text, Comment, or ProcessingInstruction, which aren’t abstract.


Inserts a newChild node immediately after this ChildNode.


Appends the given DOMString to the string; when this method returns, data contains the concatenated DOMString.


Inserts a newChild node immediately before this ChildNode.

deleteData(offset: int, count: int)[source]

Removes the specified amount of characters, starting at the specified offset, from the string; when this method returns, data contains the shortened DOMString.

insertData(offset: int, data)[source]

Inserts the specified characters, at the specified offset, in the string; when this method returns, data contains the modified DOMString.

property nextElementSibling

Returns the next element at the same node tree level

property previousElementSibling

returns the Element immediately prior to the specified one in its parent’s children list, or None if the specified element is the first one in the list.


Removes this ChildNode from the children list of its parent.

replaceData(offset: int, count: int, data)[source]

Replaces the specified amount of characters, starting at the specified offset, with the specified DOMString; when this method returns, data contains the modified DOMString.


Replaces this ChildNode with a new one.

substringData(offset: int, length: int)[source]

Returns a DOMString containing the part of of the specified length and starting at the specified offset.

class domonic.dom.ChildNode(*args, **kwargs)[source]

not tested yet


Inserts a newChild node immediately after this ChildNode.


Inserts a newChild node immediately before this ChildNode.


Removes this ChildNode from the children list of its parent.


Replaces this ChildNode with a new one.

class domonic.dom.Comment(data)[source]
class domonic.dom.DOMConfig[source]

DOMConfig: Not to be confused with the obsolete DOMConfiguration.

This class is used to set some global rules for our dom.

GLOBAL_AUTOESCAPE - If this is set to True, then all text nodes will be automatically escaped. HTML5_MODE - doesn’t render close tags on certain elements HTMX_ENABLED - inludes htmx attributes into domonic for quicker notation

exception domonic.dom.DOMException(code, message: Optional[str] = None)[source]

The DOMException interface represents an anormal event related to the DOM.

class domonic.dom.DOMPoint(x: float, y: float, z: float = 0, w: float = 1)[source]

The DOMPoint interface represents a point specified by x and y coordinates.

class domonic.dom.DOMPointReadOnly(x: float, y: float, z: float = 0, w: float = 1)[source]

The DOMPointReadOnly interface represents a point specified by x and y coordinates.

class domonic.dom.DOMQuad(p1, p2, p3, p4)[source]

The DOMQuad interface represents a quadrilateral on the plane with its four corners represented as Cartesian coordinates.

class domonic.dom.DOMStringMap(*args, **kwargs)[source]

TODO - not tested yet TODO - make this like a dict

delete(name: str) bool[source]

Deletes the item with the specified name

get(name: str)[source]

Returns the value of the item with the specified name

set(name: str, value)[source]

Sets the value of the item with the specified name

class domonic.dom.DOMTimeStamp(value)[source]

The DOMTimeStamp interface represents a numeric value which represents the number of milliseconds since the epoch.

class domonic.dom.DOMTokenList(element: Node)[source]

DOMTokenList represents a set of space-separated tokens.


Adds the given tokens to the list

contains(token) bool[source]

Returns true if the token is in the list, and false otherwise

item(index: int)[source]

Returns the token at the specified index


Removes the given tokens from the list

toString() str[source]

Returns a string containing all tokens in the list, with spaces separating each token

toggle(token, force=None)[source]

If force is not given, removes token from list if present, otherwise adds token to list. If force is true, adds token to list, and if force is false, removes token from list if present.

class domonic.dom.Document(*args, **kwargs)[source]

The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document.

property anchors

[get the anchors in the document]

property applets

Returns a collection of all <applet> elements in the document

property body

Returns the <body> element in the document

property characterSet

Returns the character encoding for the document

property charset

Use characterSet instead.


Returns the character encoding for the document. Deprecated


Closes the output stream previously opened with

static createAttribute(name)[source]

Creates an attribute node

static createCDATASection(data)[source]

Creates a CDATASection node with the specified data

static createComment(message)[source]

Creates a Comment node with the specified text

static createDocumentFragment(*args)[source]

Creates an empty DocumentFragment node if not content passed. I added args as optional to pass content

static createElement(_type: str, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Creates an Element node

static createElementNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, options=None)[source]

Creates an element with the specified namespace URI and qualified name.

static createEntityReference(name)[source]

Creates an EntityReference node with the specified name

static createEvent(event_type=None)[source]

[Creates a new event]


event_type ([type], optional) – [description]. Defaults to None.


[a new event]

Return type


static createExpression(xpath, nsResolver)[source]

Creates an XPathExpression object for the given XPath string.

static createNodeIterator(root, whatToShow=None, filter=None)[source]

Creates a NodeIterator that can be used to traverse the document tree or subtree under root.

static createProcessingInstruction(target, data)[source]

Creates a ProcessingInstruction node with the specified target and data

static createRange()[source]

Creates a Range

static createTextNode(text)[source]

[Creates a Text node with the specified text.


text ([str]) – [the text to be inserted]


[a new Text node]

Return type


static createTreeWalker(root, whatToShow=None, filter=None, entityReferenceExpansion=None)[source]

[creates a TreeWalker object]

  • root ([type]) – [the root node at which to begin traversal]

  • whatToShow ([type], optional) – [what types of nodes to show]. Defaults to None.

  • filter ([type], optional) – [a NodeFilter or a function to be called for each node]. Defaults to None.


[a new TreeWalker object]

Return type


property doctype

Returns the Document Type Declaration associated with the document


Returns the DOMConfig which has settings for how html content is rendered


Returns the domain name of the server that loaded the document

elementFromPoint(x, y)[source]

Returns the topmost element at the specified coordinates.

elementsFromPoint(x, y)[source]

Returns an array of all elements at the specified coordinates.

property embeds

[Returns a collection of all <embed> elements the document]


[a collection of all <embed> elements the document]

Return type


evaluate(xpathExpression: str, contextNode: Optional[Node] = None, namespaceResolver=None, resultType=7, result=None)[source]

Evaluates an XPath expression and returns the result.

property forms

Returns a collection of all <form> elements in the document


Returns the current element that is displayed in fullscreen mode


Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the document can be viewed in fullscreen mode


[Returns the element that has the ID attribute with the specified value]


_id ([str]) – [the value of the ID attribute]


[the element that has the ID attribute with the specified value]

Return type


getElementsByName(name: str)[source]

[Returns a NodeList containing all elements with a specified name]


name (str) – [the name to search for]


[the matching elements]

Return type


property head: HTMLHeadElement

Returns the <head> element of the document

property images

Returns a collection of all <img> elements in the document

property implementation

Returns the DOMImplementation object that handles this document

importNode(node, deep=False)[source]

Imports a node from another document to this document.

property links

Returns a collection of all <a> and <area> elements in the document that have a href attribute


Removes empty Text nodes, and joins adjacent nodes


Opens an HTML output stream to collect output from document.write()

property pictureInPictureEnabled

Returns whether Picture-in-Picture mode is enabled.

renameNode(node, namespaceURI: str, nodename: str)[source]

[Renames the specified node, and returns the renamed node.]

  • node ([type]) – [the node to rename]

  • namespaceURI ([type]) – [a namespace URI]

  • nodename ([type]) – [a node name]



Return type


property scripts

[Returns a collection of <script> elements in the document]


[a collection of <script> elements in the document]

Return type



Returns a Boolean value indicating whether to stop on the first error

property title: str

[gets the title of the document]


The title of the document

Return type


property visibilityState

Returns the visibility state of the document

write(html: str = '')[source]

[writes HTML text to a document


html (str, optional) – [the content to write to the document]

writeln(html: str = '')[source]

[writes HTML text to a document, followed by a line break]


html (str, optional) – [the content to write to the document]

property xmlversion

Returns the version of XML used for the document

class domonic.dom.DocumentFragment(*args)[source]
property attributes: NamedNodeMap

Returns a NamedNodeMap of an element’s attributes


[Returns the element that has the ID attribute with the specified value]


_id ([str]) – [the value of the ID attribute]


[the element that has the ID attribute with the specified value]

Return type


getElementsByTagName(tagName: str) HTMLCollection

[Returns a collection of all child elements with the specified tag name


tagName (str) – [a DOMString representing the tag name to match]


[method returns a live HTMLCollection of elements with the given tag name.]

Return type


querySelector(query: str)

[Returns the first child element that matches a specified CSS selector(s) of an element]


query (str) – [a CSS selector string]


[an Element object]

Return type


querySelectorAll(query: str)

[Returns all child elements that matches a specified CSS selector(s) of an element]


query (str) – [a CSS selector string]


[a list of Element objects]

Return type


replaceChildren(newChildren) None[source]

Replaces the childNodes of the DocumentFragment object.

class domonic.dom.DocumentType(name: str = 'html', publicId: str = '', systemId: str = '')[source]

A DOMString of the internal subset, or None. Eg “<!ELEMENT foo (bar)>”.

notations() NamedNodeMap[source]

A NamedNodeMap with notations declared in the DTD.

class domonic.dom.Element(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Baseclass for all html tags


Inserts a set of Node objects or DOMString objects after the last child of the Element.

property attributes: NamedNodeMap

Returns a NamedNodeMap of an element’s attributes


Removes focus from an element

property classList

Returns the value of the classList attribute of an element

property className

Sets or returns the value of the className attribute of an element


Simulates a mouse-click on an element

property clientHeight

Returns the height of an element, including padding

property clientLeft

Returns the width of the left border of an element

property clientTop

Returns the width of the top border of an element

property clientWidth

Returns the width of an element, including padding

property contentEditable: bool

Sets or returns whether an element is editable

property dataset

Returns the value of the dataset attribute of an element

property dir

returns the value of the dir attribute of an element


Cancels an element in fullscreen mode


Returns the first child element of an element


Sets focus on an element

getAttribute(attribute: str) str[source]

Returns the specified attribute value of an element node

getAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName)[source]

Returns the value of the specified attribute

getAttributeNode(attribute: str) str[source]

Returns the specified attribute node


Sets the attribute node of an element


Returns the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport

getElementsByClassName(className: str) HTMLCollection[source]

[Returns a collection of all child elements with the specified class name]


className (str) – [a DOMString representing the class name to match]


[a NodeList of all child elements with the specified class name]

Return type


getElementsBySelector(all_selectors, document)[source]

Get DOM elements based on the given CSS Selector < original author < ported to support ‘,’ < ported to py2 (broken/bugs) BSD LICENSED

note - always needs a tag in the query i.e. (‘a.classname’) will work. but just (‘.classname’) wont

fixed and ported to py3 here. quite cool means other peoples code works on my dom # TODO - needs to work in conjuctions with _matchElement so querySelector works a bit better and dQuery picks it up # TOOD - *= node content

  • all_selectors ([type]) – [description]

  • document ([type]) – [description]



Return type


getElementsByTagName(tagName: str) HTMLCollection[source]

[Returns a collection of all child elements with the specified tag name


tagName (str) – [a DOMString representing the tag name to match]


[method returns a live HTMLCollection of elements with the given tag name.]

Return type


hasAttribute(attribute: str) bool[source]

Returns True if an element has the specified attribute, otherwise False


attribute (str) – [the attribute to test for]


[True if an element has the specified attribute, otherwise False]

Return type


hasAttributes() bool[source]

Returns true if an element has any attributes, otherwise false

property id

Sets or returns the value of the id attribute of an element

property innerHTML

Sets or returns the content of an element

insertAdjacentElement(position: str, element)[source]

Inserts an element adjacent to the current element

insertAdjacentHTML(position: str, html: str)[source]

Inserts raw HTML adjacent to the current element

insertAdjacentText(position: str, text: str)[source]

Inserts text adjacent to the current element

isContentEditable() bool[source]

Returns true if the content of an element is editable, otherwise false


[Returns the last child element of an element]


[the last child element of an element]

Return type


matches(s: str) bool[source]

[checks to see if the Element would be selected by the provided selectorString]


s (str) – [css selector]


[True if selector maches Element otherwise False]

Return type



Returns the namespace URI of an element

property nextElementSibling

Returns the next element at the same node tree level

property nextSibling

Returns the next node at the same node tree level


Joins adjacent text nodes and removes empty text nodes in an element


Returns the height of an element, including padding, border and scrollbar


Returns the horizontal offset position of an element


Returns the offset container of an element


Returns the vertical offset position of an element


Returns the width of an element, including padding, border and scrollbar

property parentElement

Returns the parent element node of an element


Prepends a node to the current element

property previousElementSibling

returns the Element immediately prior to the specified one in its parent’s children list, or None if the specified element is the first one in the list.

querySelector(query: str)[source]

[Returns the first child element that matches a specified CSS selector(s) of an element]


query (str) – [a CSS selector string]


[an Element object]

Return type


querySelectorAll(query: str)[source]

[Returns all child elements that matches a specified CSS selector(s) of an element]


query (str) – [a CSS selector string]


[a list of Element objects]

Return type



Removes the element from the DOM

removeAttribute(attribute: str)[source]

Removes a specified attribute from an element

removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName)[source]

Removes an attribute from an element


Removes a specified attribute node, and returns the removed node


Shows an element in fullscreen mode


Returns the entire height of an element, including padding


Scrolls the specified element into the visible area of the browser window


Sets or returns the number of pixels an element’s content is scrolled horizontally


Sets or returns the number of pixels an element’s content is scrolled vertically


Returns the entire width of an element, including padding

setAttribute(attribute, value)[source]

Sets or changes the specified attribute, to the specified value

setAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName, value)[source]

Sets an attribute in the given namespace


[Sets or changes the specified attribute node]


attr ([type]) – [an Attr object]


Sets the attribute node of an element

property style

returns the value of the style attribute of an element

property title

returns the value of the title attribute of an element

toString() str[source]

Converts an element to a string

class domonic.dom.Entity(*args)[source]
static fromChar(char: str) str[source]

Returns the character corresponding to the given entity name.

static fromName(entityName: str) str[source]

Returns the entity name corresponding to the given character.

class domonic.dom.EntityReference(*args)[source]

The EntityReference interface represents a reference to an entity, either parsed or unparsed, in an Entity Node. Note that this is not a CharacterData node, and does not have any child nodes.

static fromOrdinal(ordinal: int)[source]

Returns the entity name corresponding to the given character.

static ordinal(entityName: str)[source]

Returns the character corresponding to the given entity name.

class domonic.dom.HTMLAnchorElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLAreaElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLAudioElement(*args, autoplay: Optional[bool] = None, controls=None, loop=None, muted=None, preload=None, src=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLBRElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLBaseElement(*args, href=None, target=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLBaseFontElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLBodyElement(*args, aLink=None, background=None, bgColor=None, link=None, onload=None, onunload=None, text=None, vLink=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLButtonElement(*args, disabled: Optional[bool] = None, form=None, formaction: Optional[str] = None, formenctype=None, formmethod=None, formnovalidate=None, formtarget=None, name=None, type=None, value=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLCanvasElement(*args, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLCollection(iterable=(), /)[source]
item(index: int)[source]

[gets the indexth item in the collection. If index is greater than or equal to the number of nodes in the list, this returns null.]


index ([type]) – [the index of the item to return.]


[the node at the indexth position, or None]

Return type


namedItem(name: str)[source]

Returns the specific node whose ID or, as a fallback, name matches the string specified by name.

class domonic.dom.HTMLContentElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLDListElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLDataElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLDataListElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLDialogElement(*args, open=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLDivElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLDocument(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLEmbedElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLFieldSetElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLFormControlsCollection(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLFormElement(*args, action: Optional[str] = None, autocomplete=None, enctype: Optional[str] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, novalidate: Optional[bool] = None, target=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLFrameSetElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLHRElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLHeadElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLHeadingElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLIFrameElement(*args, src=None, name=None, sandbox=None, allowfullscreen=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLImageElement(*args, alt=None, src=None, crossorigin=None, height=None, ismap=None, longdesc=None, sizes=None, srcset=None, usemap=None, width=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLInputElement(*args, accept=None, alt=None, autocomplete=None, autofocus=None, checked=None, dirname=None, disabled=None, form=None, formaction=None, formenctype=None, formmethod=None, formnovalidate=None, formtarget=None, height=None, _list=None, _max=None, maxlength=None, _min=None, multiple=None, name=None, pattern=None, placeholder=None, readonly=None, required=None, size=None, src=None, step=None, type=None, value=None, width=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLIsIndexElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLKeygenElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLLIElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLLabelElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLLegendElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLLinkElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLMapElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLMediaElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLMetaElement(*args, charset=None, content=None, http_equiv=None, name=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLMeterElement(*args, value=None, _min=None, _max=None, low=None, high=None, optimum=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLModElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLOListElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLObjectElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLOptGroupElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLOptionElement(*args, disabled=None, label=None, selected=None, value=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLOutputElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLParagraphElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLParamElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLPictureElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLPortalElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLPreElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLProgressElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLQuoteElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLScriptElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLSelectElement(*args, autofocus: Optional[bool] = None, disabled: Optional[bool] = None, multiple: Optional[bool] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, required: Optional[bool] = None, size: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLShadowElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLSourceElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLSpanElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLStyleElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLTableCaptionElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLTableCellElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLTableColElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLTableDataCellElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLTableElement(*args, align: Optional[str] = None, bgcolor=None, border=None, cellpadding=None, cellspacing=None, frame=None, rules=None, summary=None, width=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLTableHeaderCellElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLTableRowElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLTableSectionElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLTemplateElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLTextAreaElement(*args, autofocus=None, cols=None, disabled=None, form=None, maxlength=None, name=None, placeholder=None, readonly=None, required=None, rows=None, wrap=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLTimeElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLTitleElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLTrackElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLUListElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLUnknownElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.HTMLVideoElement(*args, autoplay=None, controls=None, height=None, loop=None, muted=None, poster=None, preload=None, src=None, width=None, **kwargs)[source]
class domonic.dom.Node(*args, **kwargs)[source]

An abstract base class upon which many other DOM API objects are based

appendChild(aChild: Node) Node[source]

Adds a child to the current element. If item is a DocumentFragment, all its children are added.


item (Node) – The Node to add.

property attrib

Returns the attributes of the current node as a dict not a NamedNodeMap

property childElementCount: int

Returns the number of child elements an element has

property childNodes: NodeList

Returns a live NodeList containing all the children of this node

property children

Returns a collection of an element’s child element (excluding text and comment nodes)

cloneNode(deep: bool = True)[source]

Returns a copy.

compareDocumentPosition(otherElement) int[source]

An integer value representing otherNode’s position relative to node as a bitmask combining the following constant properties of Node:


Check whether a node is a descendant of a given node

property firstChild

Returns the first child node of an element

hasChildNodes() bool[source]

Returns true if an element has any child nodes, otherwise false

insertBefore(new_node, reference_node=None)[source]

inserts a node before a reference node as a child of a specified parent node. this will remove the node from its previous parent node, if any.

# TODO - can throw value error if wrong ordered params. may be helpful to catch to say so.


Checks if a namespace is the default namespace


Checks if two elements are equal


Checks if two elements are the same node


Creates a tree iterator with the current element as the root. The iterator iterates over this element and all elements below it, in document (depth first) order. If tag is not None or ‘*’, only elements whose tag equals tag are returned from the iterator. If the tree structure is modified during iteration, the result is undefined.

property lastChild

Returns the last child node of an element

lookupNamespaceURI(ns: str)[source]

Returns the namespace URI for a given prefix


ns – prefix - i.e ‘xml’, ‘xlink’, ‘svg’, etc


Returns the prefix for a given namespace URI

property nextSibling

[returns the next sibling of the current node.]

property nodeName

Returns the name of a node

property nodeValue

Sets or returns the value of a node


Normalize a node’s value

property ownerDocument

Returns the root element (document object) for an element

property previousSibling

[returns the previous sibling of the current node.]


removes a child node from the DOM and returns the removed node.

replaceChild(newChild, oldChild)[source]

[Replaces a child node within the given (parent) node.]

  • newChild ([type]) – [a Node object]

  • oldChild ([type]) – [a Node object]


[the old child node]

Return type


property rootNode

[read-only property returns a Node object representing the topmost node in the tree, or the current node if it’s the topmost node in the tree]


[the topmost Node in the tree]

Return type


property tag

Returns the tag name of the current node

property tail

Returns the text content of the current node

property text

Returns the text content of the current node

property textContent

Returns the text content of a node and its descendants

class domonic.dom.NodeIterator(root, whatToShow=4294967295, filter=None, entityReferenceExpansion=False)[source]

[NodeIterator is an iterator object that iterates over the descendants of a node, in tree order.]


Returns the next Node in the document, or null if there are none.

pointerBeforeReferenceNode() bool[source]

Returns a boolean flag that indicates whether the NodeIterator is anchored before, the flag being true, or after, the flag being false, the anchor node.


Returns the previous Node in the document, or null if there are none.

referenceNode() Node[source]

Returns the Node that is being iterated over.

class domonic.dom.NodeList(iterable=(), /)[source]

NodeList objects are collections of nodes

entries() Iterable[Tuple[int, Node]][source]

Returns an iterator, allowing code to go through all key/value pairs contained in the collection. (In this case, the keys are numbers starting from 0 and the values are nodes.

forEach(func, thisArg=None) None[source]

Calls a function for each item in the NodeList.

item(index) Node[source]

Returns an item in the list by its index, or null if the index is out-of-bounds.

keys() Iterable[int][source]

Returns an iterator, allowing code to go through all the keys of the key/value pairs contained in the collection. (In this case, the keys are numbers starting from 0.)

values() Iterable[Node][source]

Returns an iterator allowing code to go through all values (nodes) of the key/value pairs contained in the collection.

class domonic.dom.ParentNode(*args, **kwargs)[source]

not tested yet

property children: NodeList

Return list of child nodes.

property firstElementChild

First Element child node.

property lastElementChild

Last Element child node.

class domonic.dom.ProcessingInstruction(target, data)[source]
class domonic.dom.RadioNodeList(name: str)[source]
property value

Returns the value of the first element in the collection, or null if there are no elements in the collection.

class domonic.dom.ShadowRoot(host, mode='open')[source]

property on element that has hidden DOM


Returns a CaretPosition object containing the DOM node containing the caret, and caret’s character offset within that node.

elementFromPoint(x, y)[source]

Returns the topmost element at the specified coordinates.

elementsFromPoint(x, y)[source]

Returns an array of all elements at the specified coordinates.


Returns a Selection object representing the range of text selected by the user, or the current position of the caret.

class domonic.dom.Text(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Text Node

property assignedSlot

Returns the slot whose assignedNodes contains this node.

property childNodes

Returns a live NodeList containing all the children of this node

property firstChild

Returns the first child node of an element

property nodeName

Returns the name of a node

splitText(offset: int)[source]

Splits the Text node into two Text nodes at the specified offset, keeping both in the tree as siblings. The first node is returned, while the second node is discarded and exists outside the tree.

property wholeText

Returns a DOMString containing all the text content of the node and its descendants.

class domonic.dom.TreeWalker(node, whatToShow=4294967295, _filter=None, expandEntityReferences=False)[source]

The TreeWalker object represents the nodes of a document subtree and a position within them.


Moves the current Node to the first visible child of the current node, and returns the found child. It also moves the current node to this child. If no such child exists, returns null and the current node is not changed.


Moves the current Node to the last visible child of the current node, and returns the found child. It also moves the current node to this child. If no such child exists, null is returned and the current node is not changed.


Moves the current Node to the next visible node in the document order, and returns the found node. It also moves the current node to this one. If no such node exists, returns None and the current node is not changed. can be used in a while loop to iterate over all the nodes in the document order.


Moves the current Node to its next sibling, if any, and returns the found sibling. If there is no such node, null is returned and the current node is not changed.


Moves the current Node to the first visible ancestor node in the document order, and returns the found node. It also moves the current node to this one. If no such node exists, or if it is before that the root node defined at the object construction, returns null and the current node is not changed.


Moves the current Node to the previous visible node in the document order, and returns the found node. It also moves the current node to this one. If no such node exists, or if it is before that the root node defined at the object construction, returns null and the current node is not changed.


Moves the current Node to its previous sibling, if any, and returns the found sibling. If there is no such node, return null and the current node is not changed.

property root

Returns a Node representing the root node as specified when the TreeWalker was created.


Is a boolean value indicating, when discarding an entity reference its whole sub-tree must be discarded at the same time.


Returns an unsigned long being a bitmask made of constants describing the types of Node that must be presented. Non-matching nodes are skipped, but their children may be included, if relevant. The possible values are:


# self.screen = type(‘screen’, (DOM,), {‘name’:’screen’})

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
ANIMATIONEND: str = 'animationend'
ANIMATIONITERATION: str = 'animationiteration'
ANIMATIONSTART: str = 'animationstart'

Returns the name of the animation


Returns the number of seconds an animation has been running


Returns the name of the pseudo-element of the animation

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
BEFOREUNLOAD: str = 'beforeunload'


class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
COPY: str = 'copy'
CUT: str = 'cut'
PASTE: str = 'paste'

Returns an object containing the data affected by the clipboard operation

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
DOMCONTENTLOADED: str = 'DOMContentLoaded'

Returns the document that was loaded

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
DRAG: str = 'drag'
DROP: str = 'drop'
END: str = 'dragend'
ENTER: str = 'dragenter'
EXIT: str = 'dragexit'
LEAVE: str = 'dragleave'
OVER: str = 'dragover'
START: str = 'dragstart'

Returns the data that is dragged/dropped

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
ERROR: str = 'error'
class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]


ABORT: str = 'abort'
AFTERPRINT: str = 'afterprint'
BEFOREPRINT: str = 'beforeprint'
BEFOREUNLOAD: str = 'beforeunload'
CANPLAY: str = 'canplay'
CANPLAYTHROUGH: str = 'canplaythrough'
CHANGE: str = 'change'
DURATIONCHANGE: str = 'durationchange'
EMPTIED: str = 'emptied'
ENDED: str = 'ended'
ERROR: str = 'error'
FULLSCREENCHANGE: str = 'fullscreenchange'
FULLSCREENERROR: str = 'fullscreenerror'
INPUT: str = 'input'
INVALID: str = 'invalid'
LOAD: str = 'load'
LOADEDDATA: str = 'loadeddata'
LOADEDMETADATA: str = 'loadedmetadata'
MESSAGE: str = 'message'
OFFLINE: str = 'offline'
ONLINE: str = 'online'
OPEN: str = 'open'
PAUSE: str = 'pause'
PLAY: str = 'play'
PLAYING: str = 'playing'
PROGRESS: str = 'progress'
RATECHANGE: str = 'ratechange'
READYSTATECHANGE: str = 'readystatechange'
RESET: str = 'reset'
RESIZE: str = 'resize'
SCROLL: str = 'scroll'
SEARCH: str = 'search'
SEEKED: str = 'seeked'
SEEKING: str = 'seeking'
SELECT: str = 'select'
SHOW: str = 'show'
STALLED: str = 'stalled'
SUBMIT: str = 'submit'
SUSPEND: str = 'suspend'
TOGGLE: str = 'toggle'
UNLOAD: str = 'unload'
VOLUMECHANGE: str = 'volumechange'
WAITING: str = 'waiting'

[prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases]

legacy alias

class*args, **kwargs)[source]

EventTarget is a class you can extend to give your obj event dispatching abilities

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Returns whether the event is extendable or not

timeStamp: float

Returns the time stamp of the event

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
FETCH: str = 'fetch'

Returns the client ID of the fetch request

property isReload

Returns whether the request is a reload or not


Returns the request object


Returns a promise that resolves to the response object


Returns a promise that resolves when the response is available

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
BLUR: str = 'blur'
FOCUS: str = 'focus'
FOCUSIN: str = 'focusin'
FOCUSOUT: str = 'focusout'
class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
START: str = 'gamepadconnected'
STOP: str = 'gamepaddisconnected'
class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
CHANGE: str = 'hashchange'
class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
CHANGE: str = 'change'
INPUT: str = 'input'
SELECT: str = 'select'

Returns the inserted characters


Returns an object containing information about the inserted/deleted data


Returns an array containing target ranges that will be affected by the insertion/deletion


Returns the type of the change (i.e “inserting” or “deleting”)


Returns whether the state of the event is composing or not

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

keyboard events

KEYDOWN: str = 'keydown'
KEYPRESS: str = 'keypress'
KEYUP: str = 'keyup'
class, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
CONNECT: str = 'connect'
DISCONNECT: str = 'disconnect'
MESSAGE: str = 'message'

Returns the data of the message


Returns the last event id of the message


Returns the origin of the message


Returns the ports of the message


Returns the source of the message

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

mouse events

CLICK: str = 'click'
CONTEXTMENU: str = 'contextmenu'
DBLCLICK: str = 'dblclick'
MOUSEDOWN: str = 'mousedown'
MOUSEENTER: str = 'mouseenter'
MOUSELEAVE: str = 'mouseleave'
MOUSEMOVE: str = 'mousemove'
MOUSEOUT: str = 'mouseout'
MOUSEOVER: str = 'mouseover'
MOUSEUP: str = 'mouseup'

Returns an array containing target ranges that will be affected by the insertion/deletion

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
PAGEHIDE: str = 'pagehide'
PAGESHOW: str = 'pageshow'

Returns whether the webpage was cached by the browser

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
POINTER: str = 'pointer'
POINTERCANCEL: str = 'pointercancel'
POINTERDOWN: str = 'pointerdown'
POINTERENTER: str = 'pointerenter'
POINTERLEAVE: str = 'pointerleave'
POINTERMOVE: str = 'pointermove'
POINTEROUT: str = 'pointerout'
POINTEROVER: str = 'pointerover'
POINTERUP: str = 'pointerup'
class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
POPSTATE: str = 'popstate'

Returns an object containing a copy of the history entries

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
ABORT: str = 'abort'
ERROR: str = 'error'
LOAD: str = 'load'
LOADED: str = 'loaded'
LOADEND: str = 'loadend'
LOADSTART: str = 'loadstart'
PROGRESS: str = 'progress'
TIMEOUT: str = 'timeout'
class, options=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
HANDLED: str = 'rejectionhandled'
UNHANDLED: str = 'unhandledrejection'

Returns whether the promise was rejected or not


Returns the promise that was rejected


Returns the reason of the rejection

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
ABORT: str = 'abort'
ERROR: str = 'error'
LOAD: str = 'load'
LOADEDDATA: str = 'loadeddata'
LOADEDMETADATA: str = 'loadedmetadata'
LOADSTART: str = 'loadstart'
PROGRESS: str = 'progress'
SCROLL: str = 'scroll'
UNLOAD: str = 'unload'
class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
SECURITY_POLICY_VIOLATION: str = 'securitypolicyviolation'

Returns the blocked URI


Returns the frame that violated the policy


Returns whether the frame is an ancestor of the frame that violated the policy


Returns whether the frame is the main frame


Returns the original policy

timeStamp: float

Returns the time stamp of the event


Returns the violated directive

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
STORAGE: str = 'storage'

Returns the key of the changed storage item


Returns the new value of the changed storage item


Returns the old value of the changed storage item


Returns an object representing the affected storage object


Returns the URL of the changed item’s document

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
SUBMIT: str = 'submit'
class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
SYNC: str = 'sync'

Returns whether the sync event is the last chance or not


Returns the tag of the sync event

timeStamp: float

Returns the time stamp of the event

class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
TIMER: str = 'timer'
TIMER_COMPLETE: str = 'timercomplete'


class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
TOUCHCANCEL: str = 'touchcancel'
TOUCHEND: str = 'touchend'
TOUCHMOVE: str = 'touchmove'
TOUCHSTART: str = 'touchstart'
class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
TRANSITIONEND: str = 'transitionend'

Returns the number of seconds a transition has been running


Returns the name of the transition


Returns the name of the pseudo-element of the transition

class, source=None, bubbles=False, cancelable=False)[source]
COMPLETE: str = 'onComplete'
PAUSE: str = 'onPause'
RESET: str = 'onReset'
START: str = 'onStart'
STOP: str = 'onStop'
TIMER: str = 'onTimer'
UNPAUSE: str = 'onUnPause'
UPDATE_END: str = 'onUpdateEnd'
UPDATE_START: str = 'onUpdateStart'
class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
class str, options: Optional[dict] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
WHEEL: str = 'wheel'