terminal ================= There is a command line package that can call bash/unix/posix and other apps on the command line. This package only works on nix systems as it effectively just passes stuff off to subprocess. .. code-block :: python from domonic.terminal import * print(ls()) print(ls("-al")) print(ls("../")) print(pwd()) print(mkdir('somedir')) print(touch('somefile')) print(git('status')) for file in ls( "-al" ): print("Line : ", file) for f in ls(): try: print(f) print(cat(f)) except Exception as e: pass for i, l in enumerate(cat('LICENSE.txt')): print(i,l) print(man("ls")) print(echo('test')) print(df()) print(du()) for thing in du(): print(thing) print(find('.')) # print(ping('eventual.technology'))# < TODO - need to strean output print(cowsay('moo')) print(wget('eventual.technology')) print(date()) print(cal()) run arbitrary commands... -------------------------------- .. code-block :: python from domonic.terminal import command command.run("echo hi") Take a look at the code in 'terminal.py' to see all the commands as there's loads. (Disclaimer: not all tested.) .. automodule:: domonic.terminal :members: :noindex: