javascript =================== There's a javascript package that mimics the js API. It's useful for things like quickly porting javascript code to python but also if you already know javascript: .. code-block :: python from domonic.javascript import Math print(Math.random()) from domonic.javascript import Array myArr=Array(1,2,3) print(myArr.splice(1)) from domonic.javascript import URL url = URL('') print(url.protocol) print( print(url.pathname) print(url.hash) # from domonic.javascript import Global # Global.decodeURIComponent(... # Global.encodeComponent(... # from domonic.javascript import Date, String, Number # etc.. As as all of the usual String and Numbers methods you may be familiar with. Date class ---------------- The Date class is available... .. code-block :: python from domonic.javascript import Date print( Array methods ---------------- All the javascript array methods you may be familiar with available python .. code-block :: python myarr = Array("1", "2", 3, {"4": "four"}, 5, [6]) print(myarr.length) print(myarr.includes("1")) print(myarr.includes(3)) print(myarr.includes(10)) print(myarr.indexOf(10)) print(myarr.indexOf("1")) print(myarr.indexOf([6])) print(myarr[1]) print(len(myarr)) print(myarr.join('---')) # TODO - test some js ones print(myarr.lastIndexOf("1")) print(myarr.lastIndexOf(3)) print(myarr.reverse()) print(myarr.slice(0, 1)) print(myarr.splice(1)) # print(myarr.splice(2)) # print(myarr.splice(3)) # print(myarr.splice(4)) print(myarr.splice(3, 3, "a", "b", "c")) print(myarr) print(myarr.pop()) print(myarr) myarr.push(7) print(myarr) print(myarr.unshift('z')) print(myarr) print(myarr.shift()) print(myarr) # print(myarr.concat()) # myarr.sort() # myarr.fill() # myarr.isArray()? # # myarr.reduce() # myarr.reduceRight() # myarr.some() String methods ---------------- A whole bunch of familiar string methods for you to enjoy... .. code-block :: python mystr = String("Some String") mystr.toLowerCase() # "some string" mystr.toUpperCase() # "SOME STRING" # print(mystr.length) mystr.repeat(2) # "Some StringSome String" print(mystr.startsWith('S')) # mystr.endsWith('g')) # javascript substr in python mystr.substr(1) # 'ome String' # javascript slice in python # print(mystr.slice(1, 3)) mystr.slice(1, 3) # 'om') # trim mystr = String(" Some String ") mystr.trim() # "Some String") # charAt mystr = String("Some String") mystr.charAt(1) # 'o' mystr.charAt(5) # 'S' # charCodeAt mystr.charCodeAt(1) # 111 mystr.fromCharCode(111) # 'o' # test # mystr.test('a') # True # mystr.test('b') # False # replace # print(mystr.replace('S', 'X')) mystr.replace('S', 'X') # "Xome String" mystr.replace(' ', 'X') # "SomeXString" mystr.replace('S', 'X') != "Xome Xtring" # search mystr = String("Some String")'a') # False'o') # True # substr print(mystr.substr(1, 2)) mystr.substr(1, 2) # 'om') mystr.substr(1, 3) # 'ome') mystr.substr(1, 4) # 'ome ') mystr.substr(1, 5) # 'ome S') # toLocaleLowerCase mystr.toLocaleLowerCase() # 'some string' mystr.toLocaleLowerCase() # 'some string' # toLocaleUpperCase # print(mystr.toLocaleUpperCase()) mystr.toLocaleUpperCase() # 'SOME STRING' # lastIndex # print(mystr.lastIndexOf('o')) mystr.lastIndexOf('o') # 1 assert mystr.padEnd(13) # "Some String " assert mystr.padStart(13) # " Some String" assert mystr.padStart(13, '-') # "--Some String" mystr.includes('a') # False mystr.includes('Some') # True Plus some obsolete friends to do fancy tricks with!!... i.e .. code-block :: python >>> test = String("Hello Wolrd!") >>> test.blink() >>> test.sub() >>> test.sup() >>> test.div() # ?? hang on? >>> test.webpage() # ??? err... wait what!!! You can actually transform a type String into any tag. Simply call ```()``` on a stringvar to transform it into a Node .. code-block :: python >>> test = String("time to take a mo") >>> test('div', _style="font-color:red;") >>> str(test('div', _style="font-color:red;")) passing it the tag and attributes... Object methods ---------------- Object is useful for making dicts a bit more js-like... .. code-block :: python o = Object() o.prop = 'hi' str(o) But also contains a growing list of methods you may know from javascript. setInterval ---------------- You can use setInterval and clearInterval with params .. code-block :: python x=0 def hi(inc): global x x = x+inc print(x) test = window.setInterval(hi, 1000, 2) import time time.sleep(5) window.clearInterval(test) print(f"Final value of x:{x}") fetch ---------------- There's a fetch implementation that uses promises. With additional mulithreaded and pooled versions. .. code-block :: python from domonic.javascript import * urls = ['', '', ''] # use your own domains print('run 1') results = window.fetch(urls[0]) results.then(lambda r: print(r.text)) print('run 1 FINISHED') def somefunc(response): print("I'm a callback", response.ok) return response mydata = window.fetch(urls[0]).then(somefunc) print(mydata) print( print( # fetch more than one results = window.fetch_set(urls) print(results) print(list(results)) for r in results: if r is not None: print(r.ok) # print(r.text) # multi-threaded results = window.fetch_threaded(urls) print(results) print(list(results)) for r in results: if r is not None: print(r.ok) # print(r.text) # pooled results = window.fetch_pooled(urls, timeout=2) print(results) for r in results: if r is not None: print(r.ok) # print(r.text) print('run 4') results = window.fetch(urls[0]) print(results) results.then(lambda r: print(r.text) if r is not None else None) All fetch methods use requests and will pass all the kwargs along should you need to modify keywords ---------------- If you ```import *``` you will get the js keywords... i.e. .. code-block :: python print(true) # True print(false) # False print(undefined) # None print(null) # None As well as a function which evaluates python strings... .. code-block :: python sup = function('''print("hi")''') sup() Typed arrays ---------------- js style typed arrays are even available Styling ---------------- Styling gets passed to the style tag on render. .. code-block :: python mytag = div("hi", _id="test") = "black" = "12px" print(mytag) #
Many other undocumented features. Take a look at the code. .. automodule:: domonic.javascript :members: :noindex: