html ============= with domonic you can create beautiful, clean straight out of the box. .. code-block :: python mydom = html(body(h1('Hello, World!'))) print(f"{mydom}") .. code-block :: html

Hello, World!

rendering ---------------- you can cast str() on any element to render it. .. code-block :: python el_string = str(div()) print(el_string) there's also a render method that takes 2 parameters, some pyml and an optional output file. .. code-block :: python from domonic.html import * page = div(span('Hello World')) render(page, 'index.html') templating ---------------- .. code-block :: python from domonic.html import * output = render( html( head( style(), script(), ), body( div("hello world"), a("this is a link", _href="", _style="font-size:10px;"), ol(''.join([f'{li()}' for thing in range(5)])), h1("test", _class="test"), ) ) ) .. code-block :: html
hello world
this is a link


Take a look in tests/ at the bootstrap5 alpha examples. All tests passed on several templates. usage ---------------- .. code-block :: python print(html(body(h1('Hello, World!')))) .. code-block :: html

Hello, World!

attributes ---------------- prepend attributes with an underscore ( avoids clashing with python keywords ) .. code-block :: python test = label(_class='classname', _for="someinput") print(test) .. code-block :: html lists ---------------- just do list comprehension and join it to strip the square brackets .. code-block :: python ul(''.join([f'{li()}' for thing in range(5)])), .. code-block :: html data-tags ---------------- python doesn't allow hyphens in parameter names. so use variable keyword argument syntax for custom data-tags .. code-block :: python div("test", **{"_data-test":"test"} ) DONT FORGET TO PREPEND THE UNDERSCORE. script tags ---------------- load from a source... .. code-block :: python script(_src="/docs/5.0/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js", _integrity="sha384-1234", _crossorigin="anonymous"), or do inline js... .. code-block :: python script(""" let itbe = "" """), style tags ---------------- load from a source... .. code-block :: python link(_href="/docs/5.0/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css", _rel="stylesheet", __integrity="sha384-12345", __crossorigin="anonymous"), or do inline css... .. code-block :: python style(""" .bd-placeholder-img { font-size: 1.125rem; text-anchor: middle; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } @media (min-width: 768px) { .bd-placeholder-img-lg { font-size: 3.5rem; } } """), Create Elements ---------------- to create your own custom elements you can use create_element .. code-block :: python from domonic.html import * create_element('custom_el', div('some content'), _id="test") or you could use the DOM API... .. code-block :: python from domonic.dom import * from domonic.html import * site = html() el = document.createElement('myelement') site.appendChild(el) print(site) For more info about the DOM API navigate to that section... Decorators -------------------------------- You can use decorators to wrap elements around function results .. code-block :: python from domonic.decorators import el @el(html) @el(body) @el(div) def test(): return 'hi!' print(test()) #
Magic methods -------------------------------- **Multiply** You can quickly clone nodes with a multiplier which will return a list... .. code-block :: python from domonic.html import * mydivs = div()*100 but you will have to render them yourself by interating and calling string... .. code-block :: python print(''.join([str(c) for c in mydivs])) **Divide** A divisor also creates more but will instead call render and give a list of strings... .. code-block :: python from domonic.html import * print(div()/100) but this means they are now rendered and can't be edited. Although you could convert them back by calling parser then domonify. i.e. .. code-block :: python mylist = li()/10 myobj = domonic.domonify(domonic.parse(mylist)) print(myobj) **OR** If other is anything, it is returned. Otherwise it returns self .. code-block :: python from domonic.html import * print(div() | False) print(div() | True) Another way is to use ternary i.e. .. code-block :: python mything = div() if True else span(class-'warning') **In place add/minus** You can add to or remove from the children of a Node with the in-place operators... .. code-block :: python myorderedlist = ol() myorderedlist += str(li() / 10) print(myorderedlist) This also works for text nodes but be aware they will be irreversibly flattened if you render... .. code-block :: python a1 = button() a1 += "hi" a1 += "how" a1 += ["are", "you", "today"] print(a1) a1 -= "hi" print(a1) Pass a dictionary to the right shift operator to add/update an attribute... (don't forget underscore or it will error) .. code-block :: python a1 = img() a1 >> {'_src': ""} print(a1) Access an elements children as if it were a list... .. code-block :: python mylist = ul(li(1), li(2), li(3)) print(mylist[1]) unpack children... .. code-block :: python mylist = ul(li(), li(), li()) print(*mylist) a1, b1, c1 = ul(li(1), li(2), li(3)) print(a1) a1, b1, c1, d1, e1 = button() * 5 print(a1, b1, c1, d1, e1) f-strings ---------------- To pretty print a domonic dom you can use a f-string... .. code-block :: python print(f"{mydom}") .. code-block :: html

Hello, World!

which basically calls the format dunder on the tag. (if look at the code) This is useful as it means use different ways to get output from domonic. .. code-block :: python print(f"{mydom}") print(f"{mydom!s}") print(f"{mydom!r}") print(f"{mydom!a}") print(str(mydom)) print(mydom.__format__('')) If the built in formatter is not up to your needs. You can also use other libraries that leverage beautifulsoup i.e. .. code-block :: python output = render(html(body(h1('Hello, World!')))) from html5print import HTMLBeautifier print(HTMLBeautifier.beautify(output, 4)) For outputting pyml to a string there is a method in production called __pyml__() which may become repr. (but i'd been saving repr for logging) You can also use this vscode plugin on .pyml and it does a nice job. (inpsiration for the 'dentage' method) Quotes around attributes -------------------------------- The quotes around attributes can be finely controlled using the DOMConfig.ATTRIBUTE_QUOTES flag By default everything is double quoted on render. However a flag can be set to None which will not render quotes if the passed value is not a string. Alternatively it can be set to use a single quotation mark or even False to use None at all and control it yourself. Examples provided below. .. code-block:: python >>> from domonic.html import * >>> from domonic.dom import DOMConfig >>> print(body(test="123")) # >>> print(body(test=123)) # >>> DOMConfig.ATTRIBUTE_QUOTES = None >>> print(body(test=123)) # >>> print(body(test="123")) # >>> DOMConfig.ATTRIBUTE_QUOTES = "'" >>> print(body(test="123")) # >>> DOMConfig.ATTRIBUTE_QUOTES = True >>> print(body(test="123")) # >>> print(body(test=123)) # >>> DOMConfig.ATTRIBUTE_QUOTES = False >>> print(body(test="123")) # >>> print(body(test="TEXT")) # loading .pyml templates -------------------------------- .. code-block:: python div("Hello World") #
Hello tabs
'loads' imports a pyml file and turns it into a program this example loads a template and passing params for rendering .. code-block :: python from domonic import loads from domonic.html import * # create some vars. you will see these referenced in the template file brand = "MyBrand" links = ['one', 'two', 'three'] # load a template and pass it some data webpage = domonic.loads('templates/', links=links, brand=brand) render(webpage, 'webpage.html') # 'load' is different to 'loads', it takes html strings and converts to a program .. code-block :: python from domonic.dQuery import º webpage = domonic.load('') º(webpage) º('#test').append(div("Hello World")) render(webpage, 'webpage2.html') * warning loads also is very basic and can only convert simple html as the parser is still in development Notes on templating -------------------------------- while you can create a div with content like : .. code-block :: python div("some content") python doesn't allow named params before unamed ones. So you can't do this: .. code-block :: python div(_class="container", p("Some content") ) or it will complain the params are in the wrong order. You have to instead put content before attributes: .. code-block :: python div( p("Some content"), _class="container") which is annoying when a div gets long. You can get around this by using 'html' which is available on every Element: .. code-block :: python div( _class="container" ).html("Some content") This is NOT like jQuery html func that returns just the inner content. use innerHTML for that. It is used specifically for rendering. Common Errors -------------------------------- If a templates syntax is incorrect it will not work. There's a small learning curve in getting .pyml templates correct. Usually... - (1) a missing comma between tags, - (2) an underscore missing on an attribute or - (3) params in the wrong order. Use this reference when starting out to help when you get an error. .. code-block :: python IndexError: list index out of range # You most likely didn't put a underscore on an attribute. SyntaxError: invalid syntax # You are Missing a comma between attributes SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument # You have to pass attributes LAST. and strings and objects first. *see notes on templating above* TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ** or pow(): 'str' and 'dict' # You are Missing a comma between attributes. before the **{} parsing -------------------------------- Basic useage... .. code-block :: python from domonic import domonic domonic.parseString('