Contribute ---------- domonic is an open-source port of the popular html/dom/js api's to Python. I actively encourages new and experienced users to join in and contribute. How can you contribute? Reporting bugs ================== If you find a bug, an issue where the product doesn't behave as you expect, please file a bug on the github issue tracker. Fixing Bugs =========== domonic has a list of issues in the github issue tracker perhaps comment on one if you'd like to help. Feel free to also create an issue and ask for support. Writing Pull Requests ===================== To contribute to the domonic project, you can create a pull request. If you have added or fixed any code just send a pull request to the github repository. If all works out, I will merge your pull request as soon as possible. Docs ===================== The docs get more traffic than the repo. So any support here is also welcome. All methods could do with a working example in the docs. We use Sphinx for the docs. It's easy to publish. Just edit the .rst files then navigate to the docs folder and run `make html`. Writing tests ===================== Test coverage is a huge plus as it fixes bugs and increases the quality of the code. More information ===================== Check the notes in the file. and in the file. Firstly pull the repo and try to run the tests. Try with 'make test'. Read the Makefile to see some examples of running the tests.