Source code for domonic.utils

    snippets etc
# import typing
import random
from collections import Counter
from itertools import chain, islice
from re import sub

from domonic.decorators import deprecated

[docs]class Utils: """Utils"""
[docs] @staticmethod def case_camel(s: str) -> str: """case_camel('camel-case') > 'camelCase'""" s = sub(r"(_|-)+", " ", s).title().replace(" ", "") return s[0].lower() + s[1:]
[docs] @staticmethod def case_snake(s: str) -> str: """ snake('camelCase') # 'camel_case' """ return "_".join(sub("([A-Z][a-z]+)", r" \1", sub("([A-Z]+)", r" \1", s.replace("-", " "))).split()).lower()
[docs] @staticmethod def case_kebab(s: str) -> str: """ kebab('camelCase') # 'camel-case' """ return "-".join( sub( r"(\s|_|-)+", " ", sub( r"[A-Z]{2,}(?=[A-Z][a-z]+[0-9]*|\b)|[A-Z]?[a-z]+[0-9]*|[A-Z]|[0-9]+", lambda mo: " " +, s, ), ).split() )
[docs] @staticmethod def squash(the_list: list) -> list: """[turns a 2d array into a flat one] Args: the_list ([list]): [a 2d array] Returns: [list]: [a flattened 1d array] """ return [inner for outer in the_list for inner in outer]
[docs] @staticmethod def chunk(list: list, size: int) -> list: """chunk a list into batches""" return [list[i : i + size] for i in range(0, len(list), size)]
[docs] @staticmethod def dictify(arr: list) -> dict: """[turns a list into a dictionary where the list items are the keys] Args: arr ([list]): [list to change] Returns: [dict]: [a new dict where the list items are now the keys] """ return {}.fromkeys(arr, 0)
@staticmethod def is_empty(some_str: str) -> bool: return not some_str.strip()
[docs] @staticmethod def unique(some_arr: list) -> list: """[removes duplicates from a list] Args: some_arr ([list]): [list containing duplicates] Returns: [list]: [a list containing no duplicates] """ return list(set(some_arr))
[docs] @staticmethod def chunks(iterable, size: int, format=iter): """Iterate over any iterable (list, set, file, stream, strings, whatever), of ANY size""" it = iter(iterable) while True: yield format(chain((,), islice(it, size - 1)))
# >>> l = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"] # >>> for chunk in chunks(l, 3, tuple): # ... print chunk
[docs] @staticmethod def clean(lst: list) -> list: """[removes falsy values (False, None, 0 and “”) from a list ] Args: lst ([list]): [lst to operate on] Returns: [list]: [a new list with falsy values removed] """ return list(filter(None, lst))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_vowels(string: str) -> list: """[get a list of vowels from the word] Args: string ([str]): [the word to check] Returns: [list]: [a list of vowels] """ return [each for each in string if each in "aeiou"]
[docs] @staticmethod def untitle(string: str) -> str: """[the opposite of title] Args: str ([str]): [the string to change] Returns: [str]: [a string with the first character set to lowercase] """ return string[:1].lower() + string[1:]
[docs] @staticmethod def merge_dictionaries(a: dict, b: dict) -> dict: """[merges 2 dicts] Args: a ([dict]): [dict a] b ([dict]): [dict b] Returns: [dict]: [a new dict] """ return {**a, **b}
[docs] @staticmethod def to_dictionary(keys: list, values: list) -> dict: """[take a list of keys and values and returns a dict] Args: keys ([list]): [a list of keys] values ([list]): [a list of value] Returns: [dict]: [a dictionary] """ return dict(zip(keys, values))
@staticmethod def most_frequent(lst: list) -> list: return max(set(lst), key=lst.count) @staticmethod def is_anagram(first: str, second: str) -> bool: return Counter(first) == Counter(second) @staticmethod def is_palindrome(word: str) -> bool: return word == word[::-1]
[docs] @staticmethod def acronym(sentence: str) -> str: """[pass a sentence, returns the acronym] Args: sentence ([str]): [typically 3 words] Returns: [str]: [a TLA (three letter acronym)] """ text = sentence.split() a = "" for i in text: a = a + str(i[0]).upper() return a
[docs] @staticmethod def frequency(data): """[check the frequency of elements in the data] Args: data ([type]): [the data to check] Returns: [dict]: [a dict of elements and their frequency] """ freq = {} for elem in data: if elem in freq: freq[elem] += 1 else: freq[elem] = 1 return freq
[docs] @staticmethod def init_assets(dir: str = "assets") -> None: """[creates an assets directory with nested js/css/img dirs] Args: dir (str, optional): [default directory name]. Defaults to 'assets'. """ from domonic.terminal import mkdir, touch mkdir(f"{dir}") mkdir(f"{dir}/js") mkdir(f"{dir}/css") mkdir(f"{dir}/img") touch(f"{dir}/js/master.js") touch(f"{dir}/css/style.css") return
[docs] @staticmethod def url2file(url: str) -> str: """[gen a safe filename from a url. by replacing '/' for '_' and ':' for '__' ] Args: url ([str]): [the url to turn into a filename] Returns: [str]: [description] """ import urllib url = "_".join(url.split("/")) url = "__".join(url.split(":")) filename = urllib.parse.quote_plus(url, "") return filename
[docs] @staticmethod def permutations(word: str) -> list: """[provides all the possible permutations of a given word] Args: word ([str]): [the word to get permutations for] Returns: [list]: [a list of permutations] """ from itertools import permutations return ["".join(perm) for perm in list(permutations(word))]
@staticmethod # TODO - remove as we have color class. (might be getting used in examples) def random_color(self): r = lambda: random.randint(0, 255) return str("#%02X%02X%02X" % (r(), r(), r()))
[docs] @staticmethod def escape(s: str) -> str: """[escape a string] Args: s ([str]): [the string to escape] Returns: [str]: [the escaped string] """ chars = {"&": "&amp;", '"': "&quot;", "'": "&apos;", ">": "&gt;", "<": "&lt;"} return "".join(chars.get(c, c) for c in s)
[docs] @staticmethod def unescape(s: str) -> str: """[unescape a string] Args: s ([str]): [the string to unescape] Returns: [str]: [the unescaped string] """ s = s.replace("&lt;", "<") s = s.replace("&gt;", ">") s = s.replace("&quot;", '"') s = s.replace("&apos;", "'") s = s.replace("&amp;", "&") return s
[docs] @staticmethod def replace_between(content: str, match: str, replacement: str, start: int = 0, end: int = 0): """[replace some text but only between certain indexes] Args: content (str): [the content whos text you will be replacing] match (str): [the string to find] replacement (str): [the string to replace it with] start (int, optional): [start index]. Defaults to 0. end (int, optional): [end index]. Defaults to 0. Returns: [str]: [the new string] """ front = content[0:start] mid = content[start:end] end = content[end : len(content)] mid = mid.replace(match, replacement) return front + mid + end
[docs] @staticmethod def truncate(text: str = "", length: int = 0) -> str: """[truncates a string and appends 3 dots] Args: text (str, optional): [the text to truncate]. Defaults to ''. length (int, optional): [the max length]. Defaults to 0. Returns: [str]: [the truncated string] """ if len(text) > length: return text[0:length] + "..." else: return text + "..."
[docs] @staticmethod def digits(text: str = "") -> str: """[takes a string of mix of digits and letters and returns a string of digits] Args: text (str, optional): [the text to change]. Defaults to ''. Returns: [str]: [a string of digits] """ if isinstance(text, int): return str(text) elif isinstance(text, float): return str(int(text)) elif isinstance(text, str): return "".join(i for i in text if i.isdigit()) else: try: return str(text) except Exception: raise ValueError("text must be a string")
[docs] @staticmethod def has_internet(url: str = "", timeout: int = 5) -> bool: """[check if you have internet connection] Args: url (str, optional): [the url to check]. Defaults to ''. timeout (int, optional): [the timeout]. Defaults to 5. Returns: [bool]: [True if you have internet] """ import requests try: _ = requests.head(url, timeout=timeout) return True except requests.ConnectionError: # print("No internet connection available.") return False
[docs] @staticmethod def is_nix() -> bool: """[check if the system is a nix based system] Returns: [bool]: [True if it is a nix based system] """ import os return == "posix"
[docs] @staticmethod def is_mac() -> bool: """[check if the system is a mac] Returns: [bool]: [True if the system is a mac] """ import sys return sys.platform == "darwin"
[docs] @staticmethod def is_windows() -> bool: """[check if the system is a windows] Returns: [bool]: [True if windows] """ import os return == "nt"
[docs] @staticmethod def is_linux() -> bool: """[check if the system is a linux] Returns: [bool]: [description] """ import sys return sys.platform.startswith("linux")
# def convert_file(filepath, filetype=None): # """ # convert a file to a different file type # mostly deals with config files # """ # files = ['json', 'ini', 'xml', 'yaml', 'yml', 'toml', 'properties', 'conf', 'rc', 'sh', 'bash', 'bat', 'cmd', 'c', 'cpp', 'h', 'hpp', 'java', 'js', 'json', 'md', 'markdown', 'pl', 'py', 'rb', 'sh', 'sql', 'txt', 'xml', 'yaml', 'yml', 'toml'] ''' @staticmethod def yeahnah(x): """ returns a boolean for any given user reply """ reply = x.lower() if reply.lower() in ['yeah', "y", "yes", "yup", "si", "yep", "yeah", "yep"]: return True elif reply.lower() in ['nah', "no", "nope", "n"]: return False else: # return a probability between 0 and 1 for either yes or no based on which list has the most similar words to the input # return max([float(reply.count(x)) / len(reply) for x in ['yeah', "y", "yes", "yup", "si", "yep", "yeah", "yep"]]) > max([float(reply.count(x)) / len(reply) for x in ['nah', "n", "no", "nope", "nop", "nope", "n", "nope"]]) # return max([float(reply.count(x)) / len(reply) for x in ['yeah', "y", "yes", "yup", "si", "yep", "yeah", "yep"]]) > 0.5 else: return None ''' # def get_ip(self): # """[get the current ip] # Returns: # [str]: [the current ip] # """ # import socket # return socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) # def get_hostname(self): # """[get the current hostname] # Returns: # [str]: [the current hostname] # """ # import socket # return socket.gethostname() # def get_mac(self): # """[get the current mac] # Returns: # [str]: [the current mac] # """ # import uuid # return uuid.UUID(int=uuid.getnode()).hex[-12:] # def get_ip_mac(self): # """[get the current ip and mac] # Returns: # [str]: [the current ip and mac] # """ # return self.get_ip() + "|" + self.get_mac() # def get_os(self): # """[get the current os] # Returns: # [str]: [the current os] # """ # import platform # return platform.system() # def get_os_version(self): # """[get the current os version] # Returns: # [str]: [the current os version] # """ # import platform # return platform.release() # def get_os_arch(self): # """[get the current os architecture] # Returns: # [str]: [the current os architecture] # """ # import platform # return platform.machine() # def get_cpu(self): # """[get the current cpu] # Returns: # [str]: [the current cpu] # """ # import platform # return platform.processor() @staticmethod def numberToBase(n, b): if n == 0: return [0] digits = [] while n: digits.append(int(n % b)) n //= b return digits[::-1]