Source code for domonic.html


    Generate HTML using python.

from domonic.dom import Document  # HTMLOptionsCollection,
from domonic.dom import (Comment, DocumentType, DOMConfig, Element,
                         HTMLAnchorElement, HTMLAreaElement, HTMLAudioElement,
                         HTMLBaseElement, HTMLBaseFontElement, HTMLBodyElement,
                         HTMLBRElement, HTMLButtonElement, HTMLCanvasElement,
                         HTMLContentElement, HTMLDataElement,
                         HTMLDataListElement, HTMLDialogElement,
                         HTMLDivElement, HTMLDListElement, HTMLDocument,
                         HTMLElement, HTMLEmbedElement, HTMLFieldSetElement,
                         HTMLFormControlsCollection, HTMLFormElement,
                         HTMLFrameSetElement, HTMLHeadElement,
                         HTMLHeadingElement, HTMLHRElement, HTMLIFrameElement,
                         HTMLImageElement, HTMLInputElement,
                         HTMLIsIndexElement, HTMLKeygenElement,
                         HTMLLabelElement, HTMLLegendElement, HTMLLIElement,
                         HTMLLinkElement, HTMLMapElement, HTMLMediaElement,
                         HTMLMetaElement, HTMLMeterElement, HTMLModElement,
                         HTMLObjectElement, HTMLOListElement,
                         HTMLOptGroupElement, HTMLOptionElement,
                         HTMLOutputElement, HTMLParagraphElement,
                         HTMLParamElement, HTMLPictureElement, HTMLPreElement,
                         HTMLProgressElement, HTMLQuoteElement,
                         HTMLScriptElement, HTMLSelectElement,
                         HTMLShadowElement, HTMLSourceElement, HTMLSpanElement,
                         HTMLStyleElement, HTMLTableCaptionElement,
                         HTMLTableCellElement, HTMLTableColElement,
                         HTMLTableDataCellElement, HTMLTableElement,
                         HTMLTableHeaderCellElement, HTMLTableRowElement,
                         HTMLTableSectionElement, HTMLTemplateElement,
                         HTMLTextAreaElement, HTMLTimeElement,
                         HTMLTitleElement, HTMLTrackElement, HTMLUListElement,
                         HTMLUnknownElement, HTMLVideoElement, Node, Text)
from domonic.webapi.url import URL

html_tags = [
# big, blink, bold, tt, var, frameset

html_attributes = [
    "vocab",  # rdfa
    "disableremoteplayback",  # video

[docs]def render(inp, outp="", to=None): # doctype='html5') """write the input to string or to a file. Args: inp (obj): A domonic tag. For example div() outp (str): An optional output filename to (str): An optional output type. if 'pyml' is specified then pyml is returned instead of html. Returns: str: A HTML rendered string """ if to == "pyml": if outp != "": with open(outp, "w+") as f: f.write(inp.__pyml__()) return inp.__pyml__() # else: if outp != "": with open(outp, "w+") as f: f.write(str(inp)) return str(inp)
[docs]class TemplateError(IndexError): def __init__(self, error, message="TemplateError: "): """[raised when a template error occurs] Args: error ([type]): [the error] message (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to "Templating error: ". """ self.error = error self.hint = "" print(self.error) if str(self.error) == "list index out of range": self.hint = "MISSING UNDERSCORE ON AN ATTRIBUTE" self.message = message + self.hint super().__init__(self.message)
tag = Node # legacy support?. TODO - remove in future? 0.0.9
[docs]class closed_tag(Node): def __str__(self): if DOMConfig.RENDER_OPTIONAL_CLOSING_SLASH: if DOMConfig.SPACE_BEFORE_OPTIONAL_CLOSING_SLASH: return f"<{}{self.__attributes__} />" else: return f"<{}{self.__attributes__}/>" return f"<{}{self.__attributes__}>"
html = type("html", (HTMLDocument,), {"name": "html"}) body = type("body", (HTMLBodyElement,), {"name": "body"}) head = type("head", (HTMLHeadElement,), {"name": "head"}) script = type("script", (HTMLScriptElement,), {"name": "script"}) style = type("style", (HTMLStyleElement,), {"name": "style"}) h1 = type("h1", (HTMLHeadingElement,), {"name": "h1"}) h2 = type("h2", (HTMLHeadingElement,), {"name": "h2"}) h3 = type("h3", (HTMLHeadingElement,), {"name": "h3"}) h4 = type("h4", (HTMLHeadingElement,), {"name": "h4"}) h5 = type("h5", (HTMLHeadingElement,), {"name": "h5"}) h6 = type("h6", (HTMLHeadingElement,), {"name": "h6"}) p = type("p", (HTMLParagraphElement,), {"name": "p"}) i = type("i", (Element,), {"name": "i"}) # TODO - check which? b = type("b", (Element,), {"name": "b"}) # TODO - check which? portal = type("portal", (Element,), {"name": "portal"}) # TODO - check which? def Atag(self, *args, **kwargs): # print('Atag: ', args, kwargs) # Node.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Element.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # TODO - fix BUG. this stops having no href on a tags if kwargs.get("_href", None) is not None: URL.__init__(self, url=kwargs["_href"]) # else: # Node.__init__(*args, **kwargs) Element.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Node.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # URL.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def __update__( self, *args, **kwargs ): # TODO - you removed this but where the unit test that you wrote it for in the first place? # print('__update__: ', args, kwargs) # URL.__update__(self) # TODO - fix BUG. this stops having no href on a tags if self.getattr("_href", None) is not None: self.kwargs["_href"] = self.href # Node.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # URL.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # self.__init__(*args, **kwargs) Element.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) URL.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) a = type("a", (Element, URL), {"name": "a", "__init__": Atag}) # , "__update__": __update__}) ul = type("ul", (HTMLUListElement,), {"name": "ul"}) ol = type("ol", (HTMLOListElement,), {"name": "ol"}) li = type("li", (HTMLLIElement,), {"name": "li"}) div = type("div", (HTMLDivElement,), {"name": "div"}) strong = type("strong", (Element,), {"name": "strong"}) # TODO - check blockquote = type("blockquote", (Element,), {"name": "blockquote"}) # TODO - check table = type("table", (HTMLTableElement,), {"name": "table"}) tr = type("tr", (Element,), {"name": "tr"}) td = type("td", (Element,), {"name": "td"})
[docs]class form(HTMLFormElement): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): new_kwargs = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k[0] != "_": # print("WARNING: kwarg '{}' should begin with an underscore".format(k)) new_kwargs[f"_{k}"] = v else: new_kwargs[k] = v kwargs = new_kwargs = "form" Node.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) Element.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) @property def elements(self): kids = [] for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, (button, fieldset, input, object, output, select, textarea)): kids.append(child) return kids
label = type("label", (Element,), {"name": "label"}) # label.__doc__ = ''' # .. highlight:: python # .. code-block:: python # # used to label form elements. i.e. # label(_for=None, _text=None, **kwargs) # # <label for=""></label> # ''' submit = type("submit", (Element,), {"name": "submit"}) title = type("title", (HTMLTitleElement,), {"name": "title"}) noscript = type("noscript", (Element,), {"name": "noscript"}) section = type("section", (Element,), {"name": "section"}) nav = type("nav", (Element,), {"name": "nav"}) article = type("article", (Element,), {"name": "article"}) aside = type("aside", (Element,), {"name": "aside"}) hgroup = type("hgroup", (Element,), {"name": "hgroup"}) address = type("address", (Element,), {"name": "address"}) pre = type("pre", (HTMLPreElement,), {"name": "pre"}) dl = type("dl", (Element,), {"name": "dl"}) dt = type("dt", (Element,), {"name": "dt"}) dd = type("dd", (Element,), {"name": "dd"}) figure = type("figure", (Element,), {"name": "figure"}) figcaption = type("figcaption", (Element,), {"name": "figcaption"}) em = type("em", (Element,), {"name": "em"}) small = type("small", (Element,), {"name": "small"}) s = type("s", (Element,), {"name": "s"}) cite = type("cite", (Element,), {"name": "cite"}) q = type("q", (Element,), {"name": "q"}) dfn = type("dfn", (Element,), {"name": "dfn"}) abbr = type("abbr", (Element,), {"name": "abbr"}) code = type("code", (Element,), {"name": "code"}) var = type("var", (Element,), {"name": "var"}) samp = type("samp", (Element,), {"name": "samp"}) kbd = type("kbd", (Element,), {"name": "kbd"}) sub = type("sub", (Element,), {"name": "sub"}) sup = type("sup", (Element,), {"name": "sup"}) u = type("u", (Element,), {"name": "u"}) mark = type("mark", (Element,), {"name": "mark"}) ruby = type("ruby", (Element,), {"name": "ruby"}) rt = type("rt", (Element,), {"name": "rt"}) rp = type("rp", (Element,), {"name": "rp"}) bdi = type("bdi", (Element,), {"name": "bdi"}) bdo = type("bdo", (Element,), {"name": "bdo"}) span = type("span", (HTMLSpanElement,), {"name": "span"}) ins = type("ins", (Element,), {"name": "ins"}) iframe = type("iframe", (Element,), {"name": "iframe"}) video = type("video", (HTMLVideoElement,), {"name": "video"}) audio = type("audio", (HTMLAudioElement,), {"name": "audio"}) canvas = type("canvas", (HTMLCanvasElement,), {"name": "canvas"}) caption = type("caption", (Element,), {"name": "caption"}) colgroup = type("colgroup", (Element,), {"name": "colgroup"}) tbody = type("tbody", (Element,), {"name": "tbody"}) thead = type("thead", (Element,), {"name": "thead"}) tfoot = type("tfoot", (Element,), {"name": "tfoot"}) th = type("th", (Element,), {"name": "th"}) fieldset = type( "fieldset", (HTMLFieldSetElement,), {"name": "fieldset"} ) legend = type("legend", (Element,), {"name": "legend"}) button = type("button", (HTMLButtonElement,), {"name": "button"}) select = type("select", (HTMLSelectElement,), {"name": "select"}) datalist = type("datalist", (HTMLDataListElement,), {"name": "datalist"}) optgroup = type("optgroup", (HTMLOptGroupElement,), {"name": "optgroup"}) option = type("option", (HTMLOptionElement,), {"name": "option"}) textarea = type("textarea", (HTMLTextAreaElement,), {"name": "textarea"}) output = type("output", (HTMLOutputElement,), {"name": "output"}) progress = type("progress", (HTMLProgressElement,), {"name": "progress"}) meter = type("meter", (HTMLMeterElement,), {"name": "meter"}) details = type("details", (Element,), {"name": "details"}) summary = type("summary", (Element,), {"name": "summary"}) menu = type("menu", (Element,), {"name": "menu"}) menuitem = type("menuitem", (Element,), {"name": "menuitem"}) # dead but may be used font = type("font", (Element,), {"name": "font"}) header = type("header", (Element,), {"name": "header"}) footer = type("footer", (Element,), {"name": "footer"}) # map_ = type('map_', (tag,), {'name': 'map_'}) # object_ = type('object_', (tag,), {'name': 'object_'}) # del_ = type('del_', (tag,), {'name': 'del_'}) # time = HTMLTimeElement # type('time', (tag,), {'name': 'time'}) data = type("data", (HTMLDataElement,), {"name": "data"}) base = type("base", (HTMLBaseElement,), {"name": "base"}) link = type("link", (closed_tag, HTMLLinkElement), {"name": "link"}) # HTMLLinkElement TODO - closed tags meta = type("meta", (closed_tag, HTMLMetaElement), {"name": "meta"}) # HTMLMetaElement TODO - closed tags hr = type("hr", (closed_tag, HTMLHRElement), {"name": "hr"}) br = type( "br", ( closed_tag, HTMLBRElement, ), {"name": "br"}, ) wbr = type("wbr", (closed_tag, Element), {"name": "wbr"}) img = type("img", (closed_tag, HTMLImageElement), {"name": "img"}) param = type("param", (closed_tag, HTMLParamElement), {"name": "param"}) source = type("source", (closed_tag, HTMLSourceElement), {"name": "source"}) track = type("track", (closed_tag, HTMLTrackElement), {"name": "track"}) area = type("area", (HTMLAreaElement,), {"name": "area"}) col = type("col", (closed_tag, HTMLTableColElement), {"name": "col"}) input = type("input", (closed_tag, HTMLInputElement), {"name": "input"}) keygen = type("keygen", (closed_tag, HTMLKeygenElement), {"name": "keygen"}) command = type("command", (closed_tag, Element), {"name": "command"}) main = type("main", (Element,), {"name": "main"}) # obsolete applet = type("applet", (Element,), {"name": "applet"}) # object = type('object', (Element,), {'name': 'object'}) basefont = type("basefont", (HTMLBaseFontElement,), {"name": "basefont"}) center = type("center", (Element,), {"name": "center"}) # dir = type('dir', (Element,), {'name': 'dir'}) embed = type("embed", (HTMLEmbedElement,), {"name": "embed"}) isindex = type("isindex", (Element,), {"name": "isindex"}) listing = type("listing", (Element,), {"name": "listing"}) plaintext = type("plaintext", (Element,), {"name": "plaintext"}) strike = type("strike", (Element,), {"name": "strike"}) xmp = type("xmp", (Element,), {"name": "xmp"}) template = type("template", (Element,), {"name": "template"}) picture = type("picture", (HTMLPictureElement,), {"name": "picture"}) dialog = type("dialog", (HTMLDialogElement,), {"name": "dialog"}) # legacy. doctype = type("doctype", (DocumentType,), {"name": "doctype"}) comment = type("comment", (Comment,), {"name": "comment"})
[docs]def create_element(name="custom_tag", *args, **kwargs): """ A method for creating custom tags tag name needs to be set due to custom tags with hyphens can't be classnames. i.e. hypenated tags <some-custom-tag></some-custom-tag> """ # checks if already exists if name in html_tags: return globals()[name](*args, **kwargs) # NOTE: we care calling it custom_tag because it can't have hyphens custom_tag = type("custom_tag", (Element,), {"name": name}) new_tag = custom_tag(*args, **kwargs) = name return new_tag