Source code for domonic.JSON


import csv
import json

from domonic.decorators import as_json
from domonic.html import table, td, th, tr

return_json = as_json  # legacy. use the one in decorators package

[docs]def parse_file(filepath: str): """[loads a json file and returns a python object] Args: filepath (str): [path to json file] Returns: [type]: [a python object] """ f = open(filepath) data = json.load(f) f.close() return data
[docs]def parse(json_string: str): """[take a json string and return a python object] Args: json_string (str): [a json string] Returns: [type]: [a python object] """ return json.loads(json_string)
[docs]def stringify(data, filepath: str = None, **kwargs): """[stringify a python object] Args: data ([type]): [the python object] filepath (str, optional): [an optional filepath to save the stringified object] [default: None] Returns: [type]: [the stringified object] """ if filepath is not None: json.dump(data, filepath, **kwargs) return json.dumps(data, **kwargs) return json.dumps(data, **kwargs) # indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str
[docs]def tablify(arr): """tablify takes a json array and returns a html table # TODO - reverse. table to json Args: arr (list): the json array Returns: str: a html table """ def _get_headings(arr, t): headings = [] row = tr() for each in arr: for key in each: if key not in headings: headings.append(key) row.appendChild(th(key)) t.appendChild(row) return headings # print( type(arr) ) if isinstance(arr, str): arr = json.loads(arr) if isinstance(arr, dict): arr = [arr] if type(arr) != list: raise ValueError # need to pass a list of dicts [{},{}] t = table() headings = _get_headings(arr, t) for item in arr: # row = tr([td(item.get(heading, "")) for heading in headings]) # incorrect row = tr(*[td(item.get(heading, "")) for heading in headings]) # correct t.appendChild(row) return t
[docs]def csvify(arr, outfile="data.csv"): """csvify takes a json array and dumps a csv file Args: arr (list): the json array outfile (list): the output file Returns: str: a csv file """ if isinstance(arr, str): arr = json.loads(arr) # leniency. allow for a string elif isinstance(arr, dict): arr = [arr] if type(arr) != list: raise ValueError # if it aint a list by now reject it def _get_headings(arr): headings = [] for each in arr: for key in each: if key not in headings: headings.append(key) return headings with open(outfile, "w") as file: output = csv.writer(file) output.writerow(_get_headings(arr)) for row in arr: output.writerow(row.values())
[docs]def csv2json(csv_filepath, json_filepath=None): """ convert a CSV to JSON. """ items = [] with open(csv_filepath, encoding="utf-8") as csvf: csvReader = csv.DictReader(csvf) for row in csvReader: items.append(row) if json_filepath is None: return json.dumps(items) with open(json_filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(items, f, indent=4) return json.dumps(items)
""" def csv2json_hugefile(arr, infile="data.csv", start_row=0): def _load_data(csv_fname): with open(csv_fname, "r", encoding="latin-1") as records: for row in csv.reader(records): yield row items = iter(load_data(infile)) headings = next(companies) for i in range(start_row): next(companies) for item in items: # TODO - streamwrite to json file. """
[docs]def flatten(b, delim="__"): """ # i.e. input = map( lambda x: JSON.flatten( x, "__" ), input ) """ val = {} for i in b.keys(): if isinstance(b[i], dict): get = flatten(b[i], delim) for j in get.keys(): val[i + delim + j] = get[j] else: val[i] = b[i] return val
def is_json(json: str) -> bool: if type(json) != str: return False if json.startswith("{") and json.endswith("}"): return True if json.startswith("[") and json.endswith("]"): return True return False